
SAGA-LS is planning to install six prefecture beamlines, and expect the rest of beamlines to be installed by external users. Three prefecture beamlines (BL9, BL12, BL15) out of the six beamlines are designed for engineering science researches and will be opened for public use from March 2005. The aim of these beamlines is to promote the use of the synchrotron radiation amongst industrial users.
On the other hand, one beamline (BL13) is under construction by Saga University for academic use at present. The layout of the beamlines is also shown in Figure 2, and the outlines of these beamlines are in the following.

The beamline BL9 is for development of advanced materials and processing. This beamline consists of a straight beamline without any optical element to lead the white light from bending magnet, i.e. from x-ray to infrared, to one end station, and a monochromatic beamline using Seya-Namioka type monochromator to bring extreme ultraviolet light (10-50 eV) to the other. At this beamline, one can investigate photo-excited process, Lithographie Golvanoformung Abformung (LIGA) process, ablation, etching, surface improvement, and their basic researches using monochromatic light.

The beamline BL12 is for the analysis of materials using photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) measurement. This beamline consists of a new type of monochromator based on varied line spacing plane grating monochromator (VLSPGM) with three mirrors and one grating to change the deviation angle, which has several advantages of low cost, wide energy range, better reproducibility and suppression of higher order and stray light. The wide energy range from 40 eV to 1000 eV is covered using the VLSPGM.

The beamline BL15 is a hard X-ray bending magnet beamline designed for materials science researches. The white X-rays generated by the bending magnet are monochromatized using a fixed-exit double-crystal monochromator with Si (111) crystals. X-rays with photon energies from 2.1 to 14.2 keV are led to an experimental station. The station is equipped for XAFS, high resolution diffractometry, imaging and energy-dispersive four-circle diffractometry.

The beamline BL13 is for investigation of surface and interface dynamics of materials, such as semiconductors and organic compounds, in nano-scale. The high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy system is installed as the experimental station. This beamline allows the investigation of the time-resolved analysis and two-photon process with the combinational use of the Ti:Sapphire laser system and synchrotron radiation.


List of Beamlines

Beamline Energy range Purpose
BL9* 10-50 eV / white light Photo-excited process, LIGA, Ablation, Etching, Surface improvement, etc.
BL12* 40-1000 eV XAFS, Photoelectron spectroscopy
BL13** 30-800 eV High-resolution, Angle-resolved and Time-resolved Photoelectron spectroscopy
BL15* 2.1-14.2 keV XAFS, diffraction and scatterig, imagimg, etc.

*:Saga Prefecture Beamlines, **:Saga University Beamline